包装 -家
长滩 Unified School District; Action Youth America (AYA), the City of 长滩 Parks and Recreation and Marine; Boys and Girls Clubs of 长滩; Camp Fire USA; Conservation Corps of 长滩; and YMCA of Greater 长滩 work together to implement a city-wide 包装 (Winners Reaching Amazing Potential) program offered after school and during Thanksgiving, 春天, 冬天, 夏季休息. 通过这些项目, thousands of local students and their families have access to convenient, 免费, high-quality expanded learning programs. The 包装 program is designated as a balanced mixture of academic enrichment and assistance and physically and emotionally healthy activities that are fundamental components of youth development.
使命: To provide high quality expanded learning opportunities for all students.
愿景: To enrich the experiences of youth by providing diverse and quality programming that supports the academic, social emotional and physical needs of our students, based on youth voice and choice, and input from and in collaboration with partner organizations, 老师, 家长与社会.
公示通知书ability of 包装 Evaluation Results
公示通知书ability of 包装 Evaluation Results The results of evaluations which are used to refine and improve the 包装 program and its performance are available to the public upon request. 更多的信息
联系 | 电话/地址 | 职位/职责 |
妮可·霍顿·Chiles | (562) 997-8000 x.7172 | 导演 早期学习 & 扩展学习 Opportunities Program (ELOP) |
黛博拉DeDen | (562) 997-8000 x.7177 | 项目管理员 扩展学习 |
Dr. 斯蒂芬妮·邓恩 | (562) 997-8000 x.7613 | 项目管理员 扩展学习 |
茉莉花Willis-Thomas | (562) 997-8000 x.7176 | 项目专家 扩展学习 |
Dr. 詹妮弗·普拉格 | (562) 997-8000 x.7175 | 项目专家 扩展学习 |
莎朗·巴克 | (562) 997-8000 x.7156 | 项目专家 扩展学习 |
香农麦科恩 | (562) 997-8000 x.7614 | 经理 扩展学习 |
Veronica格瓦拉 | (562) 997-8000 x.7173 | 行政秘书/ BL |
贾尼斯Thornton-Jenkins | (562) 997-8000 x.7611 | 员工的秘书 |
尼科尔斯候选材料 | (562) 997-8000 x.7174 | IOA |
Alita雷耶斯 | (562) 997-8000 x.7178 | 会计人员 |
Jazmin萨尔加多 | (562) 997-8000 x.7417 | 人力资源技术员 |